It is officially legs-out summer time again! Shaving always seems like a good idea, that is, until those undesirable red bumps start to appear. Whether you are doing a quick shave or going in for the full effect, shaving doesn't always turn out as smooth as we would like it to.
Razor burn on the legs is a skin condition that causes redness, bumps, and discomfort. Although shaving does get rid of hair, it also removes the top layer of skin which in return causes irritation. Razor bumps appear when the hair follicle pores fill and become infected with bacteria.
How to Prevent Razor Bumps:
1. Use shaving cream or shaving gel
*SENSITIVE SKIN: I found that mixing Coconut Oil and Vaseline Cocoa Radiant Body Gel Oil helps in the prevention of razor burn*
2. Avoid using single- blade disposables
3. Change razor blades regularly
4. Shave at night
*According to beauty experts, "we should be shaving our legs before bed. This is because, as we sleep, our legs become warm and swell slightly which means that the little hairs we may have missed retreat back into their follicles and are less obvious. Consequently, while your legs are still warm in the morning, they will appear smoother."*
How to Treat Razor Burn/Bumps
1. Stop Shaving
* Your legs need time to heal! *
2. Use home remedies
* Apple Cider Vinegar
Hydrocortisone cream
Asprin Paste (for inflammation)*
xo Karis
Going to try these techniques out ◡̈